Storing Fudge
Properly Packing & Storing Fudge
Proper storage is important to maintain fudge texture, flavor, and freshness over time.
Keep Cool, Dry & Airtight
Store fudge at a cool, consistent room temperature, ideally between 60°F to 70°F (15°C to 21°C). Avoid extreme temperature fluctuations, as this can cause the fudge to become too soft or develop sugar crystals.
Keep the fudge away from high humidity levels, as excess moisture can cause it to become sticky or grainy. An environment with low to moderate humidity is preferable.
Store the fudge in an airtight container to prevent exposure to air, which can lead to drying out and loss of freshness. Ensure the container has a tight-fitting lid to maintain the fudge's moisture and flavor. Keep wrapped until ready to enjoy.
Avoid Refrigeration: Fudge is best stored at room temperature and should generally be kept away from the refrigerator. Refrigeration can cause the fudge to become overly firm, lose its creamy texture, and absorb odors from other foods.
Avoid Sunlight and Heat: Keep the fudge away from direct sunlight and heat sources, as these can cause the fudge to melt or lose its shape.

Packing Fudge
More Questions?
In warm weather months fudge will probably warm up enough in transit to become soft. Don't unwrap it yet! Allow it to come to room temperature, then temporarily place in the refrigerator for an hour or two to become firm again. The trick is to allow the temperature transition to be slow and steady. Remember not to permanently leave the fudge in the refrigerator or it will become too hard and dry and maybe even taste like yesterday's leftover supper!
Go ahead and take advantage of that great fudge sale and stock up for later! You can successfully freeze fudge if you are careful about the process. Be sure to leave in its original wrapping and that it is room temperature not warm.The outer box or container should also be wrapped in plastic multiple times if possible. When thawing, remove from freezer and allow to thaw for 24 hours at room temperature before unwrapping. Do not be tempted to microwave it or it might become sticky.
Flavors without added cookies or nuts will last longer than those with these ingredients, simply because they can turn stale before the fudge does. Plain chocolate or vanilla flavors will, if properly stored, keep for at least a month. With clean, dry hands and utensils cut (don't bite!) a piece off and rewrap and place back into an airtight container. Keep it from humidity and sunlight and your fudge should last a long while!
Unless there is mold on it, it should be safe to eat it. If it is dry and crumbly, try putting it on ice cream!