About the Company
Founder Richard M. Palmer Sr. (January 5, 1920 - Reading, Pa.) graduates from the College of Business Administration at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., and later serves as captain in the U.S. Army Air Force during WWII. Palmer marries the lovely Vivian Golden and has three children - Richard M. Jr., Thomas C. and Mary Marshall Palmer, plus six grandchildren and two great-grandsons. A family man at heart!
With an initial investment of $25,000, equivalent to $245,000 today, Richard Palmer Sr. purchases some used equipment and rents an old warehouse in Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania, where the R.M. Palmer Company is formed. With only four employees and four products that included Baby Binks, Bunny Binks, Daddy Binks, and Hen & Egg, Mr. Palmer started calling on W.T. Grant Co. 25 Cent Stores. They immediately fell in love with the Baby Binks and agreed to a trial display for the month of November, well before Easter.
Despite the off-season timing, Baby Binks was an instant candy success, and the 25 Cent Store chain came back with a $20,000 order for Easter, taking the R.M. Palmer Company off the ground! From day one, the R.M. Palmer Company has taken pride in making bunnies special. Most bows are still hand-tied in the Ribbon Department, and most icing decorations are still made by hand in the Icing Department - just as they were back in 1948.
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